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Part 3: Staking Rewards, Airdrops, Gifts, Loss, and Chain Splits

Staking Rewards, Airdrops, Gifts, Loss, and Chain Splits

This is the final blog in the three part series. Go to Part One or Part Two

Staking rewards and airdrops are common in the crypto space. It's important to understand the tax implications of receiving staking rewards or airdrops.

Staking Rewards

Staking involves participating in the operations of a blockchain network by locking up a certain amount of crypto assets to support the network's functionality. In return, participants receive staking rewards, which are considered ordinary income for tax purposes.

Case Analysis: Staking Rewards

Sarah participates in staking for a particular cryptocurrency and earns staking rewards. The value of the staking rewards received is considered ordinary income, and Sarah needs to include it in her taxable income for the relevant financial year.


Airdrops involve the distribution of free crypto assets to existing holders. The tax treatment of airdrops depends on whether they are received as income or capital.

Case Analysis: Airdrops

Michael receives airdropped tokens from a blockchain project he holds. The tax treatment depends on whether the airdropped tokens are considered income or capital. If they are treated as income, Michael needs to include the value of the airdropped tokens in his taxable income.

Gifts and Donations of Crypto Assets

The disposal of crypto assets through gifts and donations has specific tax implications.

  • Disposal of Crypto Assets through Gifts and Donations

When you gift or donate crypto assets, it is considered a disposal for tax purposes. The tax treatment depends on whether the recipient is a related party or not.

  • Receiving a Gift or Donation in Crypto

If you receive crypto assets as a gift or donation, the tax treatment depends on the relationship between you and the donor.


Loss or Theft of Crypto Assets

In case of loss or theft of crypto assets, there are specific steps you can take to claim a capital loss for tax purposes.

  • Claiming Capital Loss due to Loss or Theft

If you lose access to your crypto assets due to theft or other reasons, you may be eligible to claim a capital loss. It's crucial to report the loss to relevant authorities and keep detailed records.

Crypto Chain Splits

A blockchain is a decentralised and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. Chain splits occur when a blockchain undergoes a protocol change, leading to the creation of a new blockchain and potentially new crypto assets.

Understanding the tax treatment of these new assets is essential.

Tax Treatment of New Crypto Assets from Chain Splits

When a chain split results in the creation of new crypto assets, the tax treatment depends on whether the new assets are received as income or capital.

Case Analysis: Chain Split and Sale of New Crypto Asset

Alex experiences a chain split, resulting in the creation of a new crypto asset. If Alex later sells the new asset, the tax treatment will depend on whether the sale is considered income or a capital transaction.

Identifying the New Crypto Asset

Determining the identity and cost base of the new crypto asset resulting from a chain split is crucial for accurate tax reporting.

Keeping Crypto Records

Maintaining detailed records of crypto transactions is essential for accurate tax reporting and compliance.

Importance of Record Keeping

Proper record-keeping helps track the acquisition, disposal, and holding of crypto assets, ensuring accurate tax calculations and compliance with reporting requirements.

How Long to Keep Records

Retaining crypto asset records for an appropriate duration*, as per tax regulations, is crucial for potential future audits or inquiries. (*minimum 5 years)



Protect your crypto asset records from loss or unauthorised access by implementing secure practices, such as using encrypted wallets and backup solutions. 


Navigating the tax landscape of crypto assets involves understanding the implications of staking rewards, airdrops, gifts, losses, and chain splits. Staking rewards and airdrops are taxable as ordinary income, while gifts and donations have specific tax considerations. Losses due to theft or chain splits also require careful reporting. Identifying and documenting new crypto assets resulting from chain splits is crucial. Furthermore, maintaining meticulous records of all crypto transactions is essential for accurate tax reporting and compliance. Implementing secure practices and retaining records for the appropriate duration contribute to a comprehensive approach in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency taxation. Stay informed, seek professional advice, and uphold diligent record-keeping for a smoother journey through the crypto tax landscape.


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